
How to send Jim Davies papers or references

Page history last edited by Jim Davies 9 years, 11 months ago

by Heather Burch and Jim Davies and then edited by lots.


At some point Jim might ask you to get a paper for him, or to send him the citation information for a paper.

Jim finds interesting work, or just hears about it, and adds it to a google doc called "ref fetch." Your job is to find the papers and process them for him. 

Sometimes this will be easy, as he will provide you with the actual paper title and authors, but sometimes it will be some fact and you have to try to track down the paper that shows evidence for that fact (if there is no such paper, or the paper in question does not show what it was supposed to, alert Jim.)


Here is how to do it:


To do this for him, you need access to the following googledocs:

    all the literature review docs

    the Ref Fetch googledoc (where the assignments appear)

and the dropbox folder ref fetch.


Please edit this document there is something wrong in it.


Go to the ref fetch googledoc. Look at the top entry and do the following:

For each paper, send him::

  •  A .pdf of the article; named in the form of AuthornameAuthornameYear.
So an article by Viren Swami, Adrian Furnham, and Kiran Joshi from 2008 would be
SwamiFurnhamJoshi2008.pdf. Authors with compound names or prefixes (eg. Mc, Mac, van,
etc) would only have the first letter capitalized. An article by Skuse, James, Bishop, Coppin,
Dalton, Aamodt-Leeper, Bacarese-Hamilton, Creswell, McGurk, and Jacobs would become:
Having a regular naming convention makes filing simpler and much more straight-forward.
  • Full citation in APA form.
  • Full citation in bibtex form
  1. A .pdf of the article; named in the form of AuthornameAuthornameYear.
    1. So an article by Viren Furnham, and Kiran Joshi 2008 would be FurnhamJoshi2008.pdf. Authors with compound names or prefixes (e.g. Mc, Mac, van, etc.) only have the first letter capitalized, so you can tell easily how many authors there are by the number of capital letters. An article by Skuse,   Aamodt-Leeper, Bacarese-Hamilton, Creswell, McGurk, O'Donnell, and Jacobs would be SkuseAamodtleeperBacaresehamiltonCreswellMcgurkOdonnellJacobs2001.pdf. If there is more than one article from the same author(s) and year, then use lowercase letters (beginning with a) to distinguish them (e.g., FurnhamJoshi2008a.pdf, FurnhamJoshi2008b.pdf). Having a regular naming convention makes filing simpler and much more straight-forward.  If the work is a webpage, you can use http://www.primopdf.com/online.aspx to generate a pdf from it.
  2. The citation in APA format
    1. The official guide to how to do this is in the latest Publication Manual of The American Psychological Association. But there are resources online for you too, such as http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/05/ Jim might send you a citation in another format, like that used in computer science. Change it to APA.
    2. When citing newspaper articles that have been retrieved from an online source, remember to include (in the date of publication field) the Month and Day that the article was written. For example: Author, A. (Year, Month Day). Title. Journal. Retrieved date from url. 
  3. The citation in Bibtex format FOR NOW WE ARE GOING TO SKIP THE BIBTEX
    1. See http://www.jimdavies.org/summaries/templates/ for the different ways to do the bibtex format properly. There are some things that people consistently get wrong:
      1. Names go surname, given name, e.g. van Del Wal, Lars.
      2. If the author is an organization, it needs to be written in full between additional curly braces, or LaTex will misread the citation. So "The World Health Organization" would be author = {{The World Health Organization}}.
      3. Names are full, if possible, and separated by the word "and." So the author list would look like "van Der Wal, Lars and Davies, Jim and Haigh, Tamara, and Maitee, Scott". 
      4. Also, make sure you put a backslash before ampersands (e.g., \&). BibTex can't handle ampersands any other way. If there are quotes in the title, please use `` and '' rather than the double quote key on the keyboard. (` is in the upper left of the keyboard, ' is beside the return or enter key). ``like this'' not "like this"
      5. Never have a strange character in the bibtex ID. For example, you can't have a "ö" 
      6. There can be accented and weird characters in the rest of the bibtex fields, however. See http://scienceofimagination.pbworks.com/w/page/15236343/LaTeX-Information so, to do author = {Hart, William, and Albarracín, Dolores}, you'd do author = {Hart, William, and Albarrac\'{i}n, Dolores},
      7.  Citing web pages: Web pages will be cited as @Manual. The retrieval date should be included in the year entry in parentheses.
        1. The url will be entered in a "note" because LaTex cannot take made up slots such as "url", "webpage", or "retrieval date". Any underscore, & or $ in the url must be preceded by a backslash.
        2. For web pages that come from a journal, try to find the original page number so that it can be cited as @Article instead of @Manual. 
          1. For articles in "Wired" magazine, request access to the Gale database via UOttawa. Here you will find all the information needed to cite the article as @Article, rather than @Manual. 
        3. Overall, the citation should look like this:  


                                            author = {{The Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders}},

                                            title = {Schizotypal personality disorder}, 

                                            year = {2011 (retrieved January 27, 2011)},

                                            note = {http://www.minddisorders.com/}

                         h.  If it's an old book that's been reprinted, such as Freud's publication originally in 1907 but republished in 1976,

                              put 1907/1976 in the date field, and in the bibtex ID put Freud1907

                         i. Normally article and book titles are capitalized only at the beginning and after a colon, such as "Jazz with trumpets: A history".  

                              To force a word to be capitalized, put it between curly braces:

                                        The {God} gene: How faith is hardwired into our genes

                              Other examples:

                                        Lake Wobegon be gone! {T}he ``below-average effect'' 

                                        The Wizard of {O}z

                                        Programming in {HTML}


The above information should be sent in an email to jim@jimdavies.org, along with any notes he put with it.


Also, these things need to be done:

1. The pdf you get should be put in the ref-fetch dropbox folder.

2. The bibtex should be added (in its correct alphabetical location) in davies.bib (also in the ref-fetch dropbox folder) SKIP

3. The information, and any notes Jim associated with the request need to be put in the correct lit reviews on google docs. If he didn't specify one, guess and tell him which one you put it in.

It should look a bit like this in the lit rev (and in the email you send him):




Maddux, W. W., & Galinsky, A. D. (2009). Cultural borders and mental barriers: The relationship between living abroad and creativity. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 96(5), 1047-1061.


  author = {Maddux, William W., and Galinsky, Adam D.},

  title = {Cultural borders and mental barriers: The relationship between living abroad and creativity},

  journal = {Journal of Personality and Social Psychology},

  year = {2009},

  volume = {96},

  number = {5},

  pages = {1047-1061},

  month =  {May}


researchers from the French Business school INSEAD and Northwestern University
found that people who had lived abroad were more creative.
SAM Sept/Oct 2009 p10



4. When it's all done, delete the assignment from the ref fetch google doc with the assignments so we know it's done. Go to the next entry.


How to Access Carleton Papers from off Campus

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